Monday, June 30, 2008


The lack of recent posts to this blog is for a real good reason. Just over a week ago my son got married in Holland to a wonderful girl. It was a really enjoyable time and everything was perfect. They were married in a famous Dutch castle which is in the village where we once lived. He was born, raised and schooled the the village so it was great to back and see him married there. The receptions were in the bride's village and then in a chateau nearby.

Weather was beautiful, just right for the photos and to drive the open-top Aston Martin car that he used for the day. The families got on really well, had a great dinner together and then partied until the early morning. We stayed a few days as well and even watched Holland lose at football to the Russians in Euro 2008.

Since getting back, I've obviously been very busy, but will start to think and write about my experience in this blog.

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