Thursday, June 5, 2008

Thank you AVG

Grisoft's recent announcement to end support and updating of AVG Free 7.5 has lead to a surge of business for me. For years now I've been loading AVG Free on people's computers (and also removing Norton in its many guises), telling them that it is better and free as well. So now they are all calling me asking what they should do.

To be fair, I've been emailing instructions on how to remove the old version then download and install the new version (with telephone support), pay the upgrade cost to the complete version or arrange an appointment for half an hour to do it for them. Most people have taken the later option causing me to travel around Basingstoke for many short appointments. Saying that of course when you are there I can also fix the printer, email, broadband, slowness, etc.

So thank you Grisoft, and I'd appreciate it if you don't make this occurrence happen too often as it creates a lot of work for me. Good money though, even for you as quite a few have taken the complete upgrade solution.

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