Sunday, March 21, 2010

A traumatic day

Finally, I've transferred operations to my new DELL Vostro 430 and shutdown my trusty Dimension 4550.

It's all to do with decorating! The big desk had to go so that we could paint the rest of the room. The small table can be moved around, so the Dimmension 4550 under the big desk had to be removed and the smaller Vostro 430 could take over email, web browsing, photos and bookkeeping duties.

All the documents, music, photos and favourites were transferred. Emails were a problem as there was no real equivalent to Outlook Express in Windows 7. Hence an Outlook XP database was created on the old system and then imported to Outlook 2003 on the new system and then will be upgraded to Outlook 2010 when it is available later this year. Shame on Microsoft for not creating an easier path to transfer an Outlook Express email database, address book and email account settings directly into the new Windows 7. Anyway it is about time that I upgraded to the real Outlook!

What a difference in performance! Everything is immediately responsive again. Four cores rule!

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