Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Desktop replacements

A lot has been made in the press recently of the decline of the traditional desktop PC and the sales rise of laptops which now outsell desktops. When they mention desktop replacement laptops they generally refer to expensive (£1,000 to £1,500+), large screen, powerful laptops with fast processors and good mobile 3D graphics capabilities. I reckon that there is another desktop replacement market for large screen, value laptops.

This is typified by the DELL Inspiron 17 which even with a dual core mobile CPU, 3Gb of memory, 250Gb hard disk drive and a high resolution 17" screen still comes in at under £500 including VAT and delivery. I am selling these to people who are restricted in space for a full desk-based PC, who are looking for a larger display so that they can see it better and just want to email, web surf and word process, etc. The full-size keyboard also helps these typically older people use their computer.

So we have a new value desktop replacement market.

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