Sunday, March 14, 2010

Old 4550 being retired

My old DELL Dimension 4550 is just about to be retired! I've already received its replacement, a brand new Vostro 430 i5-750 with 3Gb RAM and Windows 7, I'm just waiting for my office to be redecorated and the new desks installed. Yes, I paid Intel's £100 premium for a future-proofed i5-750 processor.

The 4550 was purchased on 25th February 2003 then upgraded to 1Gb RAM and a couple of 160Gb hard disk drives a couple of years ago, but it just doesn't seem responsive any more and multitasking with the old Pentium 4 2.53GHz is not really possible. So the DDR RAM will be used for spares along with everything else in the quirky old case.

I'll be sorry to see it go. Seven years is a long time in computers. Many a character has been typed and many a word read on it.

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