Sunday, February 14, 2010

Return to Rapture

I've just started playing Bioshock 2 which was released this week. it is really great to back to the experiences of one of my favourite games. The wondrous visuals and atmosphere, the music and sounds, the ghostly voices in my head helping me unravel the secrets of the underwater city. I even bought the strategy guide as well to help me make the most of my journey through the splicer infested realms, and more effectively use the traditional weapons plus plasmids that add another dimension to the combat.

I'd been trying Dragon Age Origins which I got at Christmas, but I've been frustrated by being a mage with weak spells, leveling up decisions and the random game play aspects. I'll probably return to this highly rated game after I've enjoyed the delights of Rapture once again.

It is difficult for me to describe to anyone who doesn't play such games the escapism, fantasy experience of being in another imaginary world, interacting and fighting the inhabitants and solving puzzles and exploring the sights and sounds that lead you to the next challenge.

All I can say is that it is good to be back in Rapture!

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