Monday, December 24, 2012

Hits and misses of 2012

Looking back on this year there have been a number of success stories and a couple of real blunders. On a personal level the birth of my first grand-daughter and the 1st birthday of my grandson stand out as really momentous occasions. A great family holiday in Spain will also be remembered with fondness.

In technology, the rise of the tablet to the detriment of desktops, laptops and the complete decimation of netbooks is a major change in the way people want to access the Internet and their data. Tablets are for the future and Apple and Android-based devices reflect a new effective IT force. The experience I've had with my own Google Nexus 7 tablet has shown me the way and I've been so impressed with it especially at just a relatively low cost. You can even play some great, addictive games on it!

The recent improvement in my broadband speed by Virgin Media must also go as plus for 2012. Playing multiplayer games benefit hugely from this as well as the increasingly frequent large downloads.

One of those large downloads was the software disaster of Windows 8, which I'm now being forced to sell from DELL in collaboration with Microsoft. It will surely be viewed as the turning point in Windows operating systems. I do have a system running Windows 8 for testing and support purposes but I'm still not happy with it and neither are my customers.

My own computers have not been upgraded at all this year, not even my gaming system. I suppose the economic downturn has contributed to this as well as the level of existing performance is sufficient for my purposes. My reaction times are also getting slower!

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