Sunday, March 27, 2011

Just Cause 2

For the last three weeks I've been playing a wacky blow-em-up game called Just Cause 2. In fact I've just clocked up 42 hours playing this thing!

I wanted a new game to play and went into the GAME shop for Batman -- Arkham Asylum which I'd played the demo awhile back and enjoyed, so I thought that I'd pick it up cheap and play the full game. I fell for the £10 per game or two for £15 marketing ploy and picked up Just Cause 2 on the recommendation of the shop assistant.

It is a go anywhere, shoot up everything so called 'sandbox' game similar to Far Cry 2, one of my all-time favourite games. Obviously a video game console port as it has strange save-game checkpoints and bright graphics. Never the less is has an addictive quality to keep trying the tasks and objectives that are set for you. Hence the 42 hours playtime. Transport by bike, car, plane and boat are varied as is the grappling iron to get on top of buildings out of sight until the heat wears off. Then parachute silently down to create more mayhem!

Explosions are great, weapons just right (though too little ammunition) and a subtle increase in difficulty all the time that makes you try again. When I'm bored with it, I'll start playing Batman, but intil then just one more oil refinery to demolish!

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