Thursday, February 24, 2011

Intel Sandy Bridge

I read many of the reviews of Intel's latest second generation Core processor code-named 'Sandy Bridge'. It appears to be a real winner though the recent minor problem with the accompanying 6-series chipset have not given it a good start. But up to 40% performance improvement for the same price with reduced energy consumption is hard to argue against.

I could have been tempted given these ecstatic reviews to get a new gaming system based on one of these new CPUs, but it was difficult to justify the cost of either a new £100 motherboard and £180 for the 2500K model which supports overclocking. Obviously faster memory and a new graphics card would also be needed to support the revived heart of the gaming system. DELL were also offering the new Vostro 460 with a 2400 CPU and monitor for just £450 including VAT and delivery. A good deal!

So in the end it was probably better that Intel withdrew the 6-series chipset and I decided to rebuild my existing gaming system from an Intel Pentium E6300 3.2GHz dual-core to an AMD Phenom II X4 quad-core at 3.4GHz. A noticeable performance increase with minimum cash outlay. I'll wait for my Sandy Bridge!

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