Sunday, December 12, 2010

AVG Free Fails with Office 2010 Starter

I've stopped installing AVG Free 2011 with new DELL PCs that come with Microsoft's Office 2010 Starter Edition. This is because AVG gives a false positive on OFFSPON.EXE in the Q: drive which is generated by Microsoft Office 2010 SE. It then puts it in the virus vault which causes Word and Excel to stop working.

A work around is to exclude the Q: drive from the AVG scanning and ID processing but even this is fraught is errors and inconistences. It gives and 'Acccess is denied' message when you select the Q: drive even though it obviously is accessing it and it still does add the drive to the excluded paths anyway. Go figure!

Until they get this fixed and it has been a couple of months already, I will continue to load Microsoft's Security Essentials. Thereby cutting off AVG from any potential revenue from those people who are happy to upgrade to their Internet Security version.

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