Saturday, February 14, 2009

Finished Far Cry 2

So I've finally finished Far Cry 2 after over three months of play. A great game which easily made my Top Ten. The wide open spaces, the beautiful vistas, the weather and daytime lighting effects. The natural landscape textures and the non-scripted paths that you could take to obtain the goals of the game. Just driving (or boating) through the Savannah was a real joy.

Many reviews said that it was repetitive, but not for me. Either detour around the guard post, or decide to snipe at it from a suitable height, or set fire to the grass, or try to drive straight through it, or fire a couple of rockets and the take out the survivors. Great decisions. Judge accordingly. The end was a bit predictable and the final journey to it was difficult, but it left the possibility open for a sequel (please).

So now I started Fallout 3 and though an intriguing start, we are back into poorly lit corridors and limited maps, no directions, weird weapon selection keys, etc. Hadn't these people heard of fluorescent tube lights? I doubt if I will continue.

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