Saturday, February 21, 2009

Is there hope for DELL with AMD?

A few years ago AMD broke the Intel CPU monopoly at DELL Computers which allowed their Opteron and Athlon processors to be offered into a wide range of DELL desktops, laptops and servers. At that time AMD Opterons ruled the server processor world, whilst their Athlon X2 CPUs seemed to offer an early dual core processor capability to the desktop market. For a while I was selling affordable DELL Dimension desktops and later Inspiron laptops with AMD processors.

Then the Intel Core 2 Duo processor was released and quickly became the market leader for performance and then 'bang for the buck' systems. The DELL AMD-based models disappeared until now all that remains is a business Optiplex desktop retained for continuity reasons and a minitower PowerEdge file and print server that struggles in a rapidly disappearing market.

Now it is all change again as AMD released the Phenom X4 II processors that are price competitive with Intel's quad core models. The recent price cuts by Intel and then quickly following those from AMD show that for the first time there is a real competitive situation again. Recent comparative reviews reflect this. So where does that leave DELL? Does the old agreement remain in place and if so, will DELL start announcing new AMD CPU-based models?

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