Friday, December 5, 2008

Fighting the urge to build

I haven't built a PC for over a year now. I find myself browsing the component websites choosing just the right motherboard for the best 'bang for the buck' CPU, the cheapest, fastest hard disk drive, the latest graphics card, etc.

I usually browse the DELL website for the best value computers that I can offer to my customers. Since starting this business, I quickly realised that building PCs was an expensive waste of time. You have to:

1) spend time selecting and ordering the components
2) assemble then into the case, typically at least a couple of hour's work as usually something goes wrong.
3) pray that the thing starts
4) load the Windows operating system and basic software applications
5) try to convince the customers it is what he wanted
6) persuade the customer to buy a legal version of Windows as well
7) not offer a warranty, but feel morally obliged to fix if something goes wrong

I realised that I could offer ready-made DELL configurations that were easier to sell, the customer has a warranty and I made most of my money on the installation services. DELL has a good reputation for making good looking, great value computers that are well designed and built. I don't get to fix much old DELL hardware.

You get some satisfaction from opening the box of the latest whizz-bang PC from DELL, but it is not the same as building your own. It is a statement to your technical knowledge and skill of getting this selected bunch of assorted parts to leap into life as the fastest computer you have ever worked on.

Ahh well, I'm fighting the urge to waste money in choosing which motherboard would best suit this processor. Because by the time I add the case, PSU, hard and optical disk drives, memory, graphics card, software, etc., I could have bought a great DELL desktop, have better peace of mind and saved myself some time and money.

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