Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Xbox 360 replaced

I've replaced the Xbox 360 that I bought for under £100 earlier this month from Sainsburys. And what a difference. The original Xbox started crashing in the games, then finally wouldn't display a picture and showed the famous 'Red Ring of Death' on the console. Luckily Sainsburys offer a 28 day returns policy so I was able to exchange it. I even swapped the memory card so I could retain my Xbox Live profile and saved games.

When I unpacked the replacement it was a completely different console and then I realised that the original Arcade had been swapped for an old Xbox 360 Core. The new one had a dedicated HDMI connection below the standard Xbox video socket. And when I turned it on another suprise it was so much quieter. The setup was easier, presumably because it was initiated properly. I've also connected it now to a standard 19" TFT computer monitor with the sound via a mini HiFi system. A lot better for both the picture and audio quality.

When I purchased the orginal Xbox 360 Arcade console the box was not sealed, so somebody had replaced the Arcade with an older Core console and Sainsburys had sold it as new. Thanks to their returns policy I'm a happy customer. This new model is a much better version and it shows how Microsoft's hardware product development and manufacturing has improved over the years.

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