Sunday, September 28, 2008

High speed broadband

Just a quick note to say thank you Virgin Media. As my ISP (previously NTL cable), you've just upgraded my broadband bandwidth from 3.8Mbps (nominal 4Mbps) to 8.4Mbps (nominal 10Mbps) on my cable connection without any extra charge.

I've been paying £25 per month for broadband for a few years now and it has been upgraded at least twice before. But this latest upgrade has really improved the connection speed to what a lot of my customers could only pray for. Especially, as I can offset this cost to my company and claim back the VAT.

It is amazing how quickly you can become accustomed to these speeds. So now when I visit a typical customer here in Basingstoke that has a connection speed of just 512Kbps to 1Mbps it seems really slow to download files, web pages, emails, etc. Almost like a telephone dial-up connection was when broadband first came along. Why wait when much better speeds are available? Mind you I still have customers on that dial-up connection but at least I can take along mobile broadband without having to wait as much any more.

Thanks again NTL, sorry Virgin Media! And I'm really enjoying it.

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