Sunday, July 27, 2008

The DELL from Hell

A customer asked me to look at a DELL computer that he had recently acquired that had a booting problem. It was a large, heavy DELL XPS Generation 5 with twin RAID hard disks. The previous owner appeared to have wiped them. An easy job thought I to reinstall Windows XP from the supplied DELL Operating CD.

It stalled after 'Press a key to boot from the CD...'. I tried everything to get it past this point. Reset the BIOS, disabled RAID, swapped every component and cable apart from the motherboard and 3.4GHz Pentium 4 CPU. All to no avail. This thing would just not boot. After spending many frustrating hours on this piece of junk, I called the new owner to tell him the bad news. Fine says he, just scrap it. It seems crazy to scrap a powerful, two year old brand name computer, but that is exactly what I did. I'm building another one with some of the reclaimed components for the owner.

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