Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Learning Windows 10

With the release of Microsoft's latest operating system Windows 10, I've been very busy advising and helping people upgrade their existing systems and ordering new ones.

Even though I have had three systems in the workshop running the technical preview version for the last nine months, I'm still learning the problems of installing, running and using this new version.  Also helping people with the new apps and procedures.  I've only had to un-install it twice as most people are happy with it after the initial learning curve and UI differences.  A couple of old printers are no longer supported any more with drivers.

There are times now that when I use Windows 7 and try to do something that is only available in Windows 10.  Cortana seems a little reluctant to appear automatically here in the UK.

Anyway, I've certainly had more business in what is usually a quiet holiday month.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Windows 10 has been made powerful enough to protect you from modern day cyber-attacks. Also they have enhanced experience which your employees will love too.Have expert advice on windows phone application development.