Friday, February 27, 2015

Enjoying Far Cry 4

My son, Nicholas gave me the Far Cry 4 game for Christmas and I'm enjoying it immensely. As with the other Far Cry games, you wander about a huge area performing quests and discovering people, treasure and culture.

It is a wonderfully graphic game with plenty of attention to the details. The wildlife is amazing and frequently dangerous. The quests can mostly be done stealth-fully or aggressively. You can explore and conquer areas at will. The fast travel system and buzzers cut down on the boring bits, yet enemies trying to retake already captured outposts keeping you on your toes.

For example, I just managed to capture the very hard Varshakot fortress by first sniping the enemy snipers on top of the walls. Then finding a secret passage that takes you into the fortress and a quiet spot to hide up until the uproar dies down. Secondly, blowing the main gates with explosive and calling your support troops to help. This draws the enemy including the heavy infantry to move to the area under attack and then mortar it killing them all. This just leaves an enemy helicopter to deal with using an RPG and a lone soldier to dispatch quickly. Job done and fortress secured. A great game!

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