Monday, August 6, 2012


The trend seems to be for smaller, power efficient, highly integrated PC cases these days. Even the 'old-style' micro ATX desktop cases are considered big by the buying public. Yes , it makes sense that compact cases can be used in a lot of situations for desktop, desk-side or media centres. However I'm particularly fond of midi desk-side or larger cases.

There seems to be skill in configuring a computer in a bigger case with powerful over-clocked CPUs with efficient cooling, plus a graphics card that allows you to view 3D games on on large, high resolution monitor(s), multiple hard disks and optical drives and extra sound or controller expansion cards. All with quiet, low speed fans that waft cooling air effectively through the case. Add a dedicated, energy efficient power supply and neat cabling gives a pride in design and construction.

It's an art that is declining from the major PC vendors and boutique builders. Left up to the individual to select components and build computers for a particular job.

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