Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My cloud concerns

I'm worried about all this excitement about cloud computing. It seems to be returning to the bad old days of the IT industry when dumb terminals were connected to a big mainframe computer. This held all your data and there were strict rules on how you accesses it and used it.

I agree connectivity is different now but still some issues remain:

- Who owns your data? What happens when the cloud wants to increase their charges for data storage and application use.
- The software companies want to charge a monthly subscription which eases their cash flow problems, but costs you a lot more in the long run.
- Web browsers and applications seem unreliable, inconsistent and downright fallible.
- Uploads speeds are often a large factor slower than download speeds. Try backing up a single Gigabyte to the cloud on a typical domestic broadband connection.
- Extra levels of data vulnerability and security. Another password/PIN/memorable phrase to remember.

I'm typing this in a Chrome browser window because with Internet Explorer the Publish button does not work. It used to and I've reset the browser but it is still broken. And what if I'd been two hours typing this document or creating a killer presentation. Giving control away is not always the answer.

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