Saturday, April 26, 2008


OK my first post. I will start with a short introduction. I live in Basingstoke, England, married and run a one man company for fixing PCs ( This blog is to document some of my experiences, my successes and failures, and my thoughts about life in the IT industry, albeit at the lowest level.

I've spent well over 30 years in the IT business from programming, project mangement, development department manager, product manager and finally in marketing hardware mainly workstations and servers. After being made redundant three times in seven years, it was obvious that it was increasingly difficult to get and keep an job as you got older and anyway I wanted to decide when I retire not for a company to do it for me.

So four years ago I turned my hobby of building, fixing and using PCs into my trade by setting myself up as a PC repair man, mainly for residential customers and small businesses.

That's the background, let's see where this takes us...

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