These tests included their Real World benchmark plus common tasks such as copying folders, restarting Windows and loading game levels. It was a very interesting read and they certainly dispelled a few technical myths and confirmed many of my suspicions about modern hardware configurations. For example:
- great performance increases as you increased the CPU core count, but Hyper-Threading had little impact
- 4Gb of memory is the new 'sweet spot' for performance gains and dual channel and fast memory shows little impovement
- reboot of Windows is not a great test on overall system performance; 2Gb reboots just as fast as 4Gb
- laptop and old desktop HDDs are slow; modern 7,200rpm HDDs are much better but SSD is the way to go
- USB 3 with an SSD drive is blazingly fast. The future of backups?
Unfortunately this article is not available online (yet?) but it makes a fascinating read. The last interesting fact is from the overall system comparison; the Lenovo Atom-powered, Windows 8 tablet took a crippling 39 minutes to reboot Windows compared to the self-built gaming system's 23 seconds.